Monday, March 28, 2011

headed for sixty ... and enjoying rituals

This weekend, I participated in a wonderful baby shower.  Baby showers are the type of ritual that men will NEVER understand.
There were flowers on the tables ...

Cute pins for the guests to wear ...

there was food ...

there was cake ... lots of cake!!!

and lots and lots of baby things ... ALL IN PINK!!!

... but most of all ... it was an afternoon of female bonding.  Call it tribal ritual ... call it a hen party ... women love to get together and we can always find a reason. How nice this afternoon was!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

... and I'm laughing like a crazy woman!

Seriously, in life we have two choices. We can cry ... or we can laugh.

Please don't get me wrong. I do my share of crying. I cry at happy times and I cry at sad times. In my world, tears are so appropriate for some situations. There hasn't been a single birth of a grandchild that hasn't brought tears to my eyes. I look down at a child full of promise and innocence and I cry. When my precious husband holds that newborn baby in his arms and whispers softly to them, "PaPaw loves you and Jesus loves you too" -  I cry some more. No apologies offered - no excuses made. I am a marshmallow married to an equally soft hearted man.

Don't go comparing the babies in these 2 photos. Different babies (won't say which but I couldn't post pics of all of them). 

Oh we do love our grandbabies.

Oh the other hand, when a loved one moves from this world into eternity - I weep. Most often, my tears are not for them but for me. Fortunately, I have reason to believe that they are a child of God and have gone to a wonderful place. However, I'm going to miss them and so I cry selfish tears. Once again, no apologies offered - no excuses made. I am strong, but I am not a rock.

But what about those times in life that just try your patience? Those are the times to bring out the laughter. In the past, tears have been my response to such times. But lately, I've realized that I am not an attractive crier. Rather I am one of those red faced, blotchy criers that sobs afterwards and isn't presentable to look at until the next day. Oh, I wish I were one of those delicate, dab a tissue at each eye and still look presentable type criers. But that's not how God made me so I accept that. So instead of crying in those times, I will generally choose laughter. It's much healthier for the soul.

And then there are the times that warrant nothing but laughter. I've had one of those days today. I needed an Autumn fix today so I went and got that little precious princess and we went to the park. What a fun time we had. She makes me laugh (they all do in their own special way) and we had a wonderful time.

Ecclesiastes 3:1,4
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance

Today, it was a time to laugh.