Sunday, January 9, 2011

Decisions, decisions, decisions ...

Well, what do you know ...  I'm back.

When I decided to blog, it didn't occur to me right off the bat to decide how often to blog.  Seriously, do I blog daily as Julie did in the movie Julie and Julia? Seems systematic and orderly, but systematic and orderly isn't exactly my cup of tea.  Julie, the movie character ... well also the real person because she was more than a character -- you know, the book being based on a real life person named Julie who really did blog her way through Julia Childs' Mastering the Art of French Cooking one recipe (or sometimes more than one as the book includes 536 recipes) a day and blog about it.  Really, how did she have time for anything else?  After working, in her own words, as a "Government drone by day", her evenings were devoted to all that shopping and chopping and measuring and cooking those complicated recipes every day - then eating them - and then sitting down every evening to blog about it on a very full tummy when we all know that full tummies make us sleepy!  But, I digress.

So do I blog every day?  I really don't see that happening.  Seems like a lot of pressure to be under and goodness knows, life has enough pressure without the self-induced variety.  I really don't want this to be a bothersome task.  So maybe once a month?  I'm not sure that's even blogging ... but rather semi-blogging.  Why bother if, in a full year, you only come up with 12 entries?  So once a day is too much but once a month is not enough.  Maybe I'll blog once a week.  But what if I have a phenomenal idea (hey, it's possible) mid-week??? What then?  So in my usual non-systematic and not at all orderly way I've decided that I'll blog whenever I feel like it.  OK, I do work best under a little bit of pressure so I promise that I will blog every weekend (either Saturday or Sunday) ... even if I have nothing to blog about.  But, for the most part, you may expect a mid-week blog as well.  There.  Rule established.  Wait, I don't want there to have to be rules.  Perhaps I should say "semi-structured, non-systematic, totally without order guideline established".  Ahhh yes, that is much better.  I feel like I have accomplished something now.

Well, what am I going to blog about?  Hopefully things that help me have fun during this crazy "not quite 60" year that I've entered.  I'll talk about things I discover about myself that I really like and maybe, just maybe ... if I'm feeling very trustful of you ... I'll tell you some things that I'm really not happy with.  Whatever I blog, I really do want your feed back.  If I hit a nerve or a funny bone, let me know.  If you enjoy my blog, please feel free to share the site with others.

Let all who read my blog feel welcome.  By sharing this journey with me, hopefully you'll learn something about yourself as well.



Pat's Blog said...

Little Sis, blog when the mood is right. I wrote 39 blogs in September, and two in May. Sometimes it gets inside and you have to let it out, other just want to let it all go...

and Happy 59th (Ok, I'm a few days late, for me that's actually Early..."what, didn't you have a birthday LAST year?")...

Maybe a trip to England will get those creative juices flowing.....

Chel said...

Egggsactly! Pat B! I agree. We blog as we go some do it with that exact purpose and set forth on a specified planned journey - however - your year will flow with you so will this blog. I am looking forward to reading along the way. I too blog like crazy and then get so busy that I wish I could blog about this or that. I keep a notebook all day and write down ideas I would love to blog about and some day they will all be there! lol
Love you Nona!! This is awesome!!