I love people (well, not all, but most).
Isn't it wonderful how people come in all shapes, sizes, hair color, skin color, vocal accents, job abilities and talents? What a boring world it would be if we were all exactly the same.
That's it ... really ... just hoping to encourage others to appreciate people no matter their station in life or their ethnic background. The size of a bank account is of no importance to anyone other than the person who can sign the checks. The diploma on the wall doesn't make one person superior to another.
Do more than tolerate differences --- Embrace them!
Do more than tolerate differences --- Embrace them!
Maybe not ALL people, but you know I love you .......
Thought you might want to know....ScienceDaily (Jan. 21, 2009) — A new species of fish from tropical South America is confirming suspected roots to the loricariid catfish family tree. Lithogenes wahari shares traits with two different families of fish: the bony armor that protects its head and tail, and a grasping pelvic fin that allows it to climb vertical surfaces.
I love you...
(and I didn't even mention that it seems he really didn't say that at all... )
and HAPPY PIE day...
"Pies have no calories on March 14"
1882 WacLlaw Sierpinski
OK, I just made that one up, but wait five years and it will be all over the internet.
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