Monday, May 30, 2011

... and I'm counting more of my blessings

More ... there will always be more. The problem with counting blessings is that each one opens up a whole new list of blessings. Guess those could be called sub-blessings, but nope, they are each and every one actual blessings.

As we close out Memorial Day, I will put living with the freedoms given by living in the United State of America at the top of the list. Those freedoms aren't taken lightly, or gained without sacrifice. Our nation is one built on sacrifice, and as a whole, the American population now takes them for granted. I'm not claiming that America is perfect or that the government isn't flawed, but I'll take the USA over any other country and stand up tall and proud.

Hand in hand with living in American, I am thankful for those who have served our country, those who currently serve our country, and those who shall serve in the future. Our armed forces deserve our respect and our gratitude. They are a blessing.

I'm so thankful for safety from the storms that have been surfacing all around in recent days. I don't believe those who were hit by the storm were any less loved by God than I am. However, for some reason, I was spared. As we watched the clouds begin rotation over our heads, I was extremely aware that we could be in trouble. But knowing where my hope lies gave me the calm to face whatever came my way. Yes, we did seek safety and yes, we were very relieved when the winds calmed and the clouds moved away. Thankful for safety today and always.

My job ... I know, I complain about it. The simple truth is, I wish I were financially independent and had no need for a job. Since that isn't the case, I am thankful for my job. It provides me with an income, insurance, a retirement "plan" (not sure the plan is going to work too well for me, but it's a plan none the less), and vacation time to do things with and for my family. Yes, my job is a blessing.

I work with some good people. They are on my "blessing" list. I work with some not as good people, and I'll put them on the list simply because they make the others look especially sweet.

My daughter, Beki, is and will always be on my special blessing list. Simply put ... she just is.

Health ... I've taken it for granted, but have realized that my health is a treasure and I should guard it and cherish it as I do all of my blessings.

My home! It may not be as grand as many homes, but it is sturdy, warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and has comfy stuff in it.  Having said that, I think I'll head for my comfy bed so that I can get up tomorrow and go to the job that I'm blessed to have.



Pat's Blog said...

Just so you know... YOU are on my list of blessings.... Thank you

I'm also grateful for the little word verification gadgets on blogs that allow me to make up crazy meanings for words This one is "sliatoma".. which could be for "slightly fat" combininng slight and the medical "-oma" ending for a swelling..

jen said...

You are a blessing to all of those you touch!

Love ya,